We’re finally back with the results of the open reading we had the first half of November. It turns out we only chose two manuscripts for publication . . . from basically that number of finalists. I know, what gives? (More details* below.) So because the six-week spacing between chapbooks has been working pretty well, Grey Book Press is now following the Wheel of the Year. GBP alum Jenny MacBain-Stephens’ chapbook, The Female Citizens of Sunshine Nation Face off with Light Sucking Demons, will appear around the Spring Equinox (March 22/23), and Chris Bullard’s chapbook, Continued, will appear around the beginning of May.

But before any of that, we’re having a reading here in Tallahassee next weekend (January 18) with some friends from Hysterical Books, and it includes Kristine Snodgrass and Brendan Walsh.

Our next publication is the long-awaited Channel U from Jessie Janeshek. In just a few short weeks! I’d better get to work!

* Most years, we get a whole mix of manuscripts in the open readings. There’s a score of 7 (on a scale of 1 to 10) or higher to be considered as a finalist, which means we feel that particular collection is strong and fits well with our “aesthetic.” And/or “feels right.” In reading the manuscripts, it seemed like several were falling just short, so there was a handful that were “on the bubble” for finalist consideration. I was pretty sure about the two we chose, but I did second reads of a few others to make sure and contacted some of those authors to let them know they were so close but not quite “there.” We have to feel comfortable with our picks, and only two of them felt completely “right.” That doesn’t mean the ones not selected were lacking. We’ve passed on manuscripts before, only to have them picked up by better presses than ours, or Finishing Line!

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