April 2020 Update

A month ago, I hadn’t anticipated the Coronavirus would have such an impact on our operations. First off, with everything but essential businesses closing, I lost easy/safe access to my color printer. I was already a little behind on getting our next chapbook ready to print, so I was looking at outsourcing the covers (which we’ll probably do anyway). And then I found out that our website needs to shift to a new platform, which will mean a little transition when the website will be down. So, the current plan is to continue with productions and get things ready and launch the chapbooks (staggered them a month or so) as soon as website is back up. (The website will go down around the end of April) First up will be The Female Citizens of Sunshine Nation Face off with Light Sucking Demons by Jenny MacBain-Stephens, and then Continued by Chris Bullard.

Thanks everyone, especially our poets, for your patience.

Stay healthy, and see you on the other side!

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