May 2024 Update

 There was a time when the press went inactive for the Summer . . . for no good reason, other than me (personally) not liking the Summer.  More recently, we’ve been stumbling through a “year-round” schedule.  However, due to a promotion at (real) work in January, my time has been much more limited, so we’ve been SLOOOOOWWWWLY moving forward with two different chapbooks.  But we’re finally (FINALLY!) almost ready to launch our next project.  

Those of you who have been here for a while know that we don’t really pick publication/launch/release dates months in advance, like a press might for a real book (and we’ve done two real books!).  What fun is that?  No, we get 80 to 90% through the editorial/pre-production process and then pick a date a week or two away.  Because we can.  Is that unprofessional?  Who’s to say?

Anyway, May 20 will see the release of our latest chapbook from GBP veteran Jennifer Martelli, titled Dear Justice.  It’s timely for a number of reasons and you’re going to want a copy.  

I mentioned we had two projects in the works.  Yes, we’re looking at a second chapbook to come out this Summer.  Stay tuned!

Note:  We’ve had a production delay due to the May 10 tornadoes that hit Tallahassee, which limited our access to some printing capabilities.  Launch will be delayed a few days.