This is, technically, our “off-season” after the release of our second-ever book and a few chapbooks. (Do yourself a favor and check the Titles page. They’re wonderful.) I’m such a horrible procrastinator, but I think we’re finally caught up on orders and emails.
Most of the emails were questions about our next open reading period, which was reported to be this Summer. (Ooops.) Turns out, we’ll be returning to our “traditional” kickoff of midnight on Halloween. It’ll still be open just two weeks. The Submissions page has been updated, and stay tuned for updates and guidelines.
Last but not least, we have an “off-cycle” chapbook coming out in November (exact date TBD) from Sarah Nichols. These Violent Delights was from last year’s open reading period and I’d wanted to accept it with the others but it was over my self-imposed manuscript limit (I knew my limitations with Jessie’s book coming out), but I’m really happy it was still available.
We may have more announcements/surprises this Fall. I mean, it’s possible.